Wednesday, June 2, 2010

For the little girl who has yet to be born

This diaper cake is ordered by a friend, for her sister who is going to give birth to a daughter soon! I just got very much excited when I received this order as it was a cake for a baby girl!!! I couldn't wait to shop for all the cute girly stuff.

Anyway, the theme this time is green and pink. I'm glad the customer loves it so much!

Farizah Azmah Ridzuan May 31 at 10:05am
received~!!.. weeehhuuu..
cantek la.. rasa tak sabar nak bagi kat tuan punya diri.. tapi baby belum keluar lagi.. uhhh.. tak sabar nyeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
neway.. thanks la ada jugak untuk sofea.. heheheheh.. mesti anak dara tu seronok..
bukan takat anak dara tu aje.. silap silap.. belum sampai kat newborn.. benatang tu dah berlobang.. hua hua hua.. ibu dia yang terlebih excited.. hiahahahaha.
apa pun.. i give u full mark.. huuuuuuu.. A+++++++.. thanks a..
memang puas hati.. best best..
lepas ni i mesti jadi customer tetap u.. doa doa lah banyak orang bersalin on my side.. hehehehhehe..

And I got a surprise for the big sister as well! Hope she will enjoy the sweet treat.

Diaper cake consists of :

- 25 pieces of Drypers
- 1 Anakku printed napkin
- 1 Girl Bathing Glove
- 1 baby girl romper
- 1 pair of socks
- 1 Carter's bib
- A bottle of candy

Plus packaging and greeting card

Cake priced at : RM60


  1. Wah drama mama..cantik2 diaper cake kat sini.. saya follow yek!

  2. thanks mama tina. if u r ever interested to order can just email me k. :-)

  3. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    salam terjah!


  4. wahh...cantikkkk...ketif gitu...

  5. en_me and aishah : thanks guys! :-)

    frodo : tejah jgn tak terjah. hiks :-)

  6. buat sendiri keni? Sangat kreatif.
